Monday, December 21, 2020

Filming day!

 Today was the day! It went so smooth and I’m so happy with the results. It was so refreshing to see my group-mates because we are also friends and I haven’t seen them in awhile. 

This is how the day went: 

My group-mates Brooke picked me up from my house because I had props and more. She had already picked up one of the actors. After we drove over to our other groupmates home Leo. Leo’s house is where we filmed for the whole day. We started filming in chronological order of scenes. Starting of with scene 1,2,3,4 etc. We made sure to have the actors change between each scene to make the illusion of it being different days. We did it this way because there’s no way we could have filmed on different days because then filming wouldn’t taken around 5 days. We took many shots of the same scenes to have options. We also took many different angles so that when editing we could choose the best ones. It’s also best to always have more than enough than too little. We filmed all the scenes in one day and were very productive. Brooke did most of the filming and is amazing at it. I helped tell the actors there lines. Leo helped us know which scenes we needed to film and which props needed to be in it. We have all the footage and will soon start the editing process. Today was a good day! 

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