Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Editing: starting to edit

          Yesterday was the first day we started to edit. After filming we automatically started the editing process. As soon as we got done filming 2 classes ago we dumped all of our footage on one of our class computers. Our teacher told us to dump the footage on one of our group mates accounts so that we could all reach it and that it should be on the desktop available on their account. The next class we  got to class and sat at a different computer, and logged into the account we dumped on. We then found out that our footage wasn’t on the desktop of the computer and that we had to go back to the original computer we dumped on, and share the files. I got nervous because I thought that we lost our footage or that we dumped the footage wrong. We had 2 options when sharing the footage, we could either put it on a thumb drive or upload it to google drive. We thought it would be best to upload it to google drive so that we could all view and have the footage. Also putting it on google drive we can share it with all the group mates to their Gmail accounts so that we can all have access when we would like. 
          When viewing our footage we decided which ones we should not put into the commercial first. This was the best way for us to start so that we could just start clean with all the footage we are going to use. When first watching our footage we found out that we didn’t like most of the scenes, so we went out and recorded them again. We re-recorded most of the main scenes: the skateboarding scenes, bleacher scenes, talking scenes etc. We also switched last min who would do what part because certain scenes didn’t fit along the “storyline” as well. So I switched with one of my group mates on the bleacher scene while she recorded. We then went back to class, viewed the scenes and we decided we liked them better than the other clips we took. We then thought of ideas of what we could edit into our intro and outro. We also discussed what type of music would go into it. My group was thinking like alternative music like indie music to put into it. 
          We had a problem because all the computers in our classroom didn’t work. pinnacle studios the app we use for editing wasn’t available on the computers. Our teacher told us that we are getting either laptops or new computers very soon. That way it’ll be easier to edit with no problems. Another issue is that we cannot get pinnacle studios anywhere else other than at school, so even if we wanted to get a head start and learn some of the controls we can’t because it’s not available. So next class we are going to edit so then we have to automatically try to get all of our major editing done so that we can turn everything on time as our teacher directed. One of our teammates was out as well so, it’s harder to make decisions on what we want to keep in or what we want to leave out without her. But next class I’m so excited to start editing on pinnacle studios. I’m so excited for how our commercial will turn out. thanks for reading !!! 

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