Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Short film vs. Feature length film

The qualities the short film had that the feature length did not were, The short film had no dialogue. I believe that no dialogue it’s such a strong aspect in a film because it makes audiences really focus on what the characters are doing or what their viewing. It also creates such an eerie feeling which I think it really complements this film. The feature length accomplished many more things then the short because obviously the feature length is longer so there’s more room for more. One thing it accomplished was audiences met many more characters, this was the key point because it helps the plot in the short. We also got to learn more about the creator Of the dolls and the backstory. The backstory is always fun to find out at the end because it makes the audience feel like everything is put together now. The feature-length also showed audiences more about character number nine. His character really develops throughout the whole film so it’s nice watching it none. Another thing the feature-length accomplished was audiences found out what happened and why there are no humans, this was something that the short film did not even mention or show at all.

I personally enjoyed both films however, I enjoyed the feature-length film the most because I feel like I got to learn way more about each character. I love how the feature film starts out with nine first waking up this is one of the Best parts of the film for me. Another reason I like the feature film is because, although the short film had no dialogue I really like films with dialogue especially this one because at parts it was confusing and the characters helped divert the confusion. This film showed the backstory of why all humans were gone. It also shows how the professor died and that he feels as if he is the sole reason for the apocalypse. I also enjoyed the feature film because I feel as if there are certain aspects in the film that are hidden. And example could be that the professors soul is actually within the dolls. Why did the directors and creators do this? These are all parts of the film I really enjoyed because i’m thinking further than just the surface layer of it’s just a film. One thing I did not like about the short film was, the ending of the short film gave away the ending for the feature film. This upset me because I didn’t want certain characters to die (lol). I really enjoyed this film and I recommend that everyone should watch it, thanks!

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