I’ve learned many things while in the class aice media studies. I know what my weaknesses are and what my strengths are. Of course I want to strengthen what I’m not as good at, but since this is our final project I want to make sure everything we do, we do at our best. I am particularly good at story-boarding and filming. I will probably film most of the scenes in our final project, switching between my group mates Haylie and savanna. Storyboarding is a very important part in starting a movie, we need to know what our plan is. I’m good at being creative and using all of the spaces on our storyboard outline. If my group mates want to do either storyboarding or filming I will completely let them. I will Remember to bring my creativity into this movie. I will also critique our project because since this is the final task, we don’t have room for errors. This is a group effort and I’m very excited to do my part!
Now I will be explaining my pitch to you. A pitch Is a Hollywood term to describe an idea where a film is explain in under 25 words or one sentence. A pitch is sometimes described as an “ Elevator pitch.”It is called this because in an elevator you will be there for a short amount of time, which is usually the amount of time that it will take you to describe the pitch of a movie to someone. My group and I have three pitch ideas;
- A woman under-cover discovers some major news about someone she did not expect to find.
- Two People racing on a beach find a message in a bottle slightly buried under the sand, they open the bottle up and discover it has a map inside.
-A robber steals something from a mall which is unknown (the object) and causes a chase throughout a mall.
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